Yes! I am Authorised for Weddings at Dublin City Hall

Yes! I am Authorised for Weddings at Dublin City Hall

Beautifully restored to its original architectural splendour, City Hall is one of the most stylish wedding venues in Dublin.  It is an ideal place to gather together, to create memories and celebrate perfect moments.

Dublin City Hall, with its elegant eighteenth century architecture, is one of the most unique wedding venues in Ireland. Offering couples a glorious and historic location to celebrate their journey together. The team of dedicated and experienced staff at Dublin City Hall, provide couples with expert guidance in each step of the preparations for their big day.

As a wedding venue, Dublin City Hall is bound by the Civil Registration Service’s regulations relating to the Approval of Venues for the Solemnisation of Civil Marriage, which means only legal marriage ceremonies are permitted at Dublin City Hall.

(Source: Dublin City Hall website)

It’s official – you can “Tie the Knot” at Dublin City hall with me as your non-denominational Holistic Minister & Celebrant.  I am authorised and HSE registered to solemnise marriage at Dublin City Hall.

Ceremonies Created with Kindness

As a respected member of the non-denominational Earth Spiritualist Foundation, with a philosophy based on kindness, your unique & personalised marriage ceremony will be created & conducted in the “Earth Spiritualist Tradition” – the culture and ancient tradition of Ireland, based on kindness to others and all living things.  

This means that aside from specific requirements (and wording) of the Marriage Act, there will only be one rule to follow regarding the design of your legal marriage ceremony at Dublin City Hall – and that rule is Kindness.   This means first and foremost – kindness to you as my No.1 VIP. Your unique & special marriage ceremony will be all about you – a beautiful ceremony designed and personalised to your own beliefs and wishes, what ever that may be.

Your Own Unique Ceremony Style

Just like no two couples getting married are the same, no two enchanted ceremonies I create are ever the same.  Your enchanted ceremony at Dublin City Hall will be as unique & special as you are, designed & created to suit your own beliefs and wishes.  With me as your Celebrant & Solemniser, I will work with you to discover your own ceremony style to create a unique & special one of a kind marriage ceremony, especially for you.

Your unique ceremony style can be any style or combination including:

  • Non-Religious & non-Spiritual – if you choose this style there will be no mention of anything spiritual or unseen during your ceremony, and no mention of any ideas or beliefs that come from somebody else unless you have specifically requested this.
  • Spiritual ceremony – if you are spiritual, you can include spiritual wording of your choice during your ceremony such as welcomin departed loved ones in the ceremony introduction where everyone is being welcomed,  so they can be with you watching down with great love and pride for you both
  • Spiritual with Religious Feel – if you are very Spiritual and also Religious in your faith, you can go one step further and include prayers and/or mention our Highest God in one or two appropriate places, to make your ceremony more Spiritual for you both.
  • Mixed Faith – if you are both from different countries and different cultural backgrounds and traditions, you may wish to include ideas and traditions from your own culture to create a ceremony uniquely yours.  You may wish to ask your choice of Holy person or Spiritual Elder from your own faith and culture to say some special words as part of your ceremony, or if they are not able to attend your ceremony for any reason, you may wish to ask them to write some special words for you both which can be read out on their behalf as part of your legal marriage ceremony at Dublin City Hall.

Unique & Special Marriage Ceremony

When you choose me as your Solemniser & Celebrant for your legal marriage ceremony at Dublin City Hall you can be assured that I will be kind and courteous with the utmost respect to your wishes at all times.   This includes that I am required to follow a professional Code of Conduct regarding my dignified standard of dress.

Not only will I dress in a professional manner appropriate to my official role, I will also ask what colors your bridal party will be wearing, so I can avoid wearing the same color.  As your Solemniser I will also ask your permission to wear my chosen color(s) to ensure there is no dreadful surprise on your big day with the colors I wear.  There will be no bright colors such as a hot pink jacket (or outfit) worn by me disrespectfully without your permission or request. I won’t ever wear bright colors unless you request it, except for adding a splash of color with a neck scarf with your permission, and it most certainly will not be hot pink.

As a Solemniser from Enchanted Ceremonies and Earth Spiritualist Foundation, I will always have your wishes as my No.1 priority all times – you are my VIP which means I will do my utmost to ensure your ceremony is everything you wish it to be. As unique & special as you are, a beautiful ceremony designed and created with kindness, to suit your own beliefs and wishes perfectly – because I know you deserve the best for your special day!

How Much Does a Celebrant Cost in Ireland?

How Much Does a Celebrant Cost in Ireland?

The cost of a Celebrant in Ireland varies greatly for many reasons.  Factors which may affect the cost of a Celebrant in Ireland include:

  • the type and style of ceremony you choose
  • travel distance to the ceremony venue
  • what is included as standard, and what can be added for extra cost
  • how competent, experienced (and in demand) the Celebrant is
  • how much the Celebrant must charge in order to pay their bills
  • If Celebrancy is a sideline or hobby to a regular paying job – their fee may be less
  • If Celebrancy is a sideline to a much higher paying career role – their fee may be more

For me, Celebrancy isn’t a career, it’s a vocation,.   My role as your Celebrant isn’t a performance, I’m never acting or pretending.  The beautiful unique & personalised ceremonies I create & conduct are real weddings, and yes you can include the legal parts if you wish, without any need to attend a HSE Civil Registration Office on a different day with your witnesses for a Registry Office marriage.

I am an expert in the art of ceremony & celebration.  No matter what style of ceremony I am requested to create & conduct, I am always honoured to be part of such a special day in people’s lives. 

With over 25+ years experience in the art of ceremony & celebration, I know what an important decision it is to choose your Celebrant.   I also know how everyone has different needs for their ceremony.  So I have developed a range of VIP Packages to assist you in choosing a package which best suits your needs. 

With every ceremony I create & conduct, you are my VIP.

I Would be Honoured to Work With You

Special days are made by special people .. and you are one of them Sharon.
Thank-you so much for helping to create a wonderful day that we’ll never forget..
how you told our story was romantic, funny and just magical.  Thank-you.
GN (the groom)
Legal Marriage
Maryborough Woods Hotel Cork City
Essential Advice on Why My One Ceremony Per Day Option is Your Choice

Essential Advice on Why My One Ceremony Per Day Option is Your Choice

In my homeland Australia it’s not unusual for Civil Marriage Celebrants to conduct 2, 3 or even 4 or more personalised and unique ceremonies in the same day, especially on weekends.  When I get to conduct more than 1 ceremony in the same day here in Ireland, I am absolutely thrilled with the extra excitement it brings to the day!

Others claim to have a 1 ceremony per day policy for all ceremonies they “perform” – so they can “ensure your ceremony has their full attention”.  This implies that others (like myself) who won’t hesitate to conduct more than 1 ceremony a day, won’t  be capable of providing their full attention.

This claim is false and misleading on so many levels.

Here’s a couple of good questions to ask yourself about a Celebrant who makes such claims:

Would you ever trust a hairdresser who won’t book more than one client per day because if they did, they wouldn’t be able to give each client the full attention they deserve ?  Or book your car into a motor mechanic who will only ever book one car per day because if they book more than one car per day, they won’t be able to give each car the attention it deserves? 
Does that sound like a suitably experienced professional who is able to stay focused enough to deal confidently and competently with the unexpected should it arise on your big day?
I didn’t think so.

The most experienced and capable Celebrants (like myself and many others) won’t hesitate to conduct more than 1 ceremony a day if requested.  Of course I do have certain criteria like they must be within 15 minutes drive and at least 3 hours apart.  I have conduct ceremonies at 11am and 2pm, 12 noon and 3pm,  1pm and 4pm and so forth on the same day, each with my utmost attention and focus.

If you prefer that I don’t book any other ceremonies on your special day for any reason at all – that’s not a problem.  You can choose my Exclusive VIP option – which guarantees that I won’t conduct any other ceremonies on your big day, guaranteed!

Many ceremonies I conduct will naturally fall into this category anyway due to their country location, or being on a weekend day, ie. when there is more traffic on the roads making it not at all ideal for more than one ceremony per day.

I don’t “perform” ceremonies, I conduct them.  To me your ceremony is never a performance, to me it’s never about acting on a stage.  To me your ceremony is real and authentic, a role which is so fundamentally missing from modern society, who have so drastically turned away from Religion and spirituality on such a vast scale.

Despite the many reasons this cultural shift is happening, what Religion did for ceremony is that it preserved a certain level of authenticity and dignity by turning a ceremony into a spectacular community and cultural event.  When Religious ceremony is done well and with true honour and dignity held by a wonderful facilitator (and there are/were plenty of good ones!) Religion kept the Spirit and magic and the true art of ceremony alive!

For a ceremony without the Spirit and magic of celebration, is nothing more than a speech.

Now society is going full circle with the return of the art of ceremony to its native roots – where the ceremony was never defined by doctrines of a Religion, but was instead defined by the wishes and beliefs of the couple to give them good luck and a wonderful start and help to ensure their successful future together.

Celebrancy remains an essential community skill which is all about capturing the true Spirit and character of the couple and creating the special magic of the moment for them and their guests in the celebration of their new lives together.

No matter what kind of ceremony I create & conduct, the smiles at the conclusion of the ceremony is what makes all my efforts worthwhile,

With over 30 years experience in the art of ceremony – I have the expertise and experience you need to ensure your ceremony exceeds your expectations.

Can A Celebrant Conduct a Legal Marriage Ceremony in Ireland ?

Can A Celebrant Conduct a Legal Marriage Ceremony in Ireland ?

Not all Celebrants in Ireland are authorised to conduct legal marriages, and here’s why.

Here in Ireland there is an abundance of Celebrants who are HSE registered Marriage Solemnisers like myself and therefore duly authorised to conduct legal marriage ceremonies.  However there is also a growing number of Celebrants who are not authorised to Solemnise legal marriages.

It’s very disturbing that some of the unauthorised Celebrants are using manipulative trickery in order to get their bookings from unsuspecting couples, like:

  • Using a misleading job title of “Registered Celebrant” to entice you to make contact with them.
  • Once you have contacted them, they will use more manipulative trickery like telling you that there is a shortage of Solemnisers so you won’t find one available on your wedding date because they are booked up for at least two years. (not true)
  • Or that if you choose a Registered Solemniser as your Celebrant your ceremony design will be restricted by the rules of the organisation the Solemniser belongs to.  (partly true but very much depends which Solemniser you choose)
  • Some may tell you that to be legally married in Ireland with a unique & personalised non-Church ceremony, you must book them as your Celebrant for a non-legal wedding with your family & friends,, and “do the legals” with your witnesses in the Registry Office on a different day. (not true)

Every couple who wishes to get married in Ireland, must know the truth about their options for legal marriage in Ireland – only a Registered Solemniser can conduct a legal marriage.

There are 3 types of Celebrants who can legally marry you in Ireland:

  1. Priest or Religious Clergy from a Religion or Religious Order, with or without a belief in God
  2. HSE Civil Registrar from the Registry Office
  3. Non-denominational Religious or Secular Solemnisers who don’t belong to a designated Religion or Religious Order.

I am in the number 3 type.  I am a non-denominational Minister and I am duly authorised by the State to Solemnise legal marriage of any style to suit your wishes. 

The best personnel to provide information to the public regarding getting legally married in Ireland are Registered Solemnisers, who have a full working knowledge of the Marriage Act.

If you wish to be legally married with personalised and meaningful ceremony created to your own wishes, without any need to attend the Registry Office on a separate day with your witnesses for a Registry Office marriage, you must choose a Registered Solemniser like myself as your Celebrant.

Some important facts are:

  • There is absolutely no shortage of Marriage Solemnisers in Ireland.
  • If you wish to be legally married in Ireland with a personalised ceremony of your own style, your celebrant must be duly authorised and recognised by the HSE as a Registered Solemniser of Marriages.  (like myself)

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for an obligation-free quick chat to answer any questions you might have.  I would be honoured to work with you.

How to Lodge your Notification of Intention to Marry with the HSE

How to Lodge your Notification of Intention to Marry with the HSE


What Is This All About?

All couples getting married in Ireland who wish to have their Irish wedding ceremony recognised as a legal marriage, must lodge their “Notification of Intention to Marry” or NOIM with the HSE.   In order to do this in person, you must make an in-person appointment with a HSE Civil Registration Office of your choice. The fee for this is currently €200.

If you are living abroad, you can lodge your NOIM by email or by post.  If you email the HSE Office most convenient to where you will be staying and ask them for advice on submitting your NOIM by email or by post.  (You should never post originals of important documents as they may be lost in the post.)

There are some requirements of the Marriage Act to comply with:

  • you must lodge your NOIM with the HSE at least 3 months before your wedding date
  • and this can be done up to 12 months in advance of your wedding.  

My advice for those who wish to be married less than 12 months from now, is to book your HSE appointment right away, even if you haven’t yet chosen your wedding venue or your Celebrant/Solemniser. 

Make your appointment a good few weeks away, giving yourself plenty of time to choose your wedding venue and your Celebrant/Solemniser.  If you haven’t yet chosen your Celebrant you may wish to read my article Can a Celebrant Legally Marry You for some essential advice that you should not be without.

How to Book Your Notification Appointment

Contact your nearest HSE Civil Registration Office to book your appointment either by email, or over the phone.  If you are living in Ireland, most HSE Civil Registration Offices you can also book your notification appointment online which can save a lot of time. You can also email the office directly.  You can’t book your appointment online if you are living abroad.  You must contact the HSE Office of your choice by phone or email.

For a list of HSE Civil Registration Office contacts see this page.

If you email the HSE office located most conveniently to you they will confirm what documentation they need you to bring with you for your circumstances.  Your documentation may include:

  • Capture of Data Form (Download from link below)
  • Full birth certificate
  • Photo ID
  • Plus anything else you are requested to bring – please ask your HSE office

It is not appropriate for me to advise the complete list of documents you need to bring to your HSE appointment as each situation can be different and usually is. Please ask your HSE Civil Registration office what documents they need from you.

At your HSE notification appointment if you have provided all the necessary information your marriage registration form/marriage licence (MRF) will be printed and given to you in the all-important “Green Folder”.   You are required to bring your “Green Folder” and MRF with you to your wedding as your MRF is the legal document which needs to be signed during your ceremony.

What if Our Wedding is Less 3 Months Away?

If your wedding is less than 3 months away, you can obtain a court order to give you an exemption from the 3 months minimum notice. If your wedding is less than 3 months away and you would like to be legally married, please call me for advice as there are circumstances where the court order is granted and there are circumstances where it is not, so it is not appropriate for me to post that advice here online.

You should also be well on the way booking all your suppliers who are going to come together to make your big day happen!

Celebrant Guarantee

As a valued member of Earth Spiritualist Foundation and their Enchanted Ceremonies group of Holistic Ministers & Celebrants there is always a backup Minister/Celebrant available in case of an unforeseen emergency - this is your Celebrant guarantee!

Your Special Day

If you believe your ceremony should be an important part of your special day, no matter how big or small your ceremony wishes may be, you have found the right place.

If you would like a ceremony as unique as you are - created to suit your own style, for any day of the week and a venue of your choosing, please don't hesitate to get in touch so I can answer any questions you might have - and to find out if I am available on your big day. 

I would be honoured to work with you.

From Australia
now based in Cork City, Ireland